Preparation of Alkyl Halides
Notes of “Preparation of Alkyl Halides” for BSc written by Mr.Muhammad Toufeeq. These notes are very helpful to prepare Chemistry paper of BSc for University of Punjab, Government College University-Lahore(GCU-Lahore), Government College University-Faislabad(GCU-Faislabab), University of Sargodha, BZU Multan and all the other universities of Punjab and Pakistan.
Summary & Contents:
Halogenation of Alkanes the replacement of an alkane by a hydrogen group is called Halogenation of Alkanes…
- Mechanisam of Halogenation
- Initiation step
- Propagation step
- Termination step
- From Alkenes
- From Alcohol
- From Silver salt of Crboxylic Acid
- Halide Exchange
- SN Reaction
- Effect of Substrate
- Solvent Effect
- Stereochemical Evidence
- Kinetic Evidence
- Substrate Effect
- Solvent Effect
- Comparision
- Wurtz Reaction
- Frankland Reaction
- Reduction of Alkyle Halides
- Grignard Reagent
- Dehydrohalogenation
- Markowinkoff`s Rule
- AntiMarkowinkoff`s Rule
- Elimination Reaction
- Different Effects
- Preparation of Grignard Reagent
- Structure of Grignard Reagent
- Reactions of Grignard Reagent